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the game gives me heavy dreamcore energy which adds to that creepy factor and leaves me second-guessing myself if that's a dream or this is hallucination or ?? tom is a real enigma here though, I find him cute but kinda doesn't leave much impression I guess (beside how he looks much better showing his curly hair without that cap, and pulls off a total cutie innocent appeared when he leans his head on his arms) all I know of him so far from the ends I got (like lovely -fav-, basement, dead end, watching, juliet and then romeo since i couldn't bear to kill him lol that he has ...

Spoiler On!

-a twin brother whom he would so easily kill (poor James :( )

And that he's pretty much a stranger stalker who learn mc's routine, also may have a hand in John's absence (presumably rip for being easily discardable again like James lol it's almost like he has a grudge against J-name guys)


NOWWW U update it right after i work my ass off to figure out how to get the last 5๐Ÿ™„ out to get me fr

hey i really liked the game and got in total 9 endings tho whatever i do i still cannot get the 10th ending. i really searched anywhere but i cannot find anyone giving this kind of information i really want to finish the game

Hi! What endings did you get so far?  They don't have numbers, so it might be difficult to find out which one you're missing :(  I'll think about making a walkthrough file with tips on how to get every ending!

i got for now : watching,......... its juliest then romeo......., life goes on........, blood thirsy,.....stressed out......pitiful death......dead end....... basement......and finally lovely .i really tried being nice or mean or get close to every character exept tom and nothing really worked . :< thank u soo much for helping out

I've made a text file that may help you to find the last ending! It should be downloadable now :)

thank you soo much! ill finally be able to get all endings :D

how do i download? seems like windows download link is not working


The link should be working for windows if you download TOM-pc file :( Do you still have issues downloading? The site says you might have to check your popup blocker if it's not working

Thanks! i was able to download it, it was because of my popup blocker lol ^w^

this was so good


I just played it. I got 4 endings so far. I love the game and the different illustrations!! 

I got attached to James while Mc talks to him for 5 seconds lmao. He seemed so nice, poor guy... Isn't there a way to save him? :(

I love Tom so much, I wish there was more of him ๐Ÿ˜ 10/10 game I enjoyed it so much!

omggg so good!!!

love this game!!! Tom is so cute<3


It's Soo beautiful and cutieee boy!!! AAAAAAAAA I LOVE YOU TOM!

This is a lovely VN game, Tom's cute face caught my eyes, but the game can be creepy, sweet but creepy.
I only got 4 endings, I should work harder!